
Preparation FAQs

Do I need to moisture test everything? 

No – don’t worry. It’s more about checking that your house or property is as close to ‘lived in’ as possible. Builders and carpenters usually carry a moisture tester, so you can always ask them to check if you’re concerned.

Can I store the boards outside or in a garage? 

Please do NOT store your luxury wood flooring outside or in a shed/garage. The Coppice & Crown team will liaise with you in the run-up to your delivery date, and if you aren’t able to store your boards inside and lay them straight away, we can alter the date to meet your needs.

Wood Flooring

Above The Canopy / Latest

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Why UK Hardwoods Are the Future of Sustainable Construction

British-grown hardwoods are sustainable, durable, and beautiful. With government support for timber construction, now is the time to choose UK…
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Grown In Britain Visit the Sawmill

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5 Top Benefits of using Thermally Modified Timber

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