
Ordering FAQs

How do I order?

Please order your Coppice & Crown flooring, cladding and any additional accessories via email. We will then send you an itemised quote and request a 25% deposit to confirm your order. Once you’ve paid the deposit, we’ll send over your order confirmation and arrange a delivery date.

What are your lead times?

Our lead times vary depending on the time of year, but we aim for 4-7 weeks from your order confirmation date. We have an impeccable reputation for completing orders on time and offering our customers flexibility on their delivery date wherever possible. Please give us a call if you need to order wood flooring with a short lead time, and we’ll see what we can do.

Can I order my wood flooring 6 months in advance?

Yes – in fact, we prefer it if you do! Coppice & Crown gives customers complete flexibility over when their flooring arrives. Provided you have paid your deposit and confirmed your order, we’re happy to hold it for a few months or as long as you need. Just keep in mind that if we store your order for more than 365 days, we will need to re-price your wood flooring to ensure it reflects our current price list. Please get in touch if you have any further questions.

Wood Flooring

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