
After Care

Cleaning and Maintenance

The real beauty of a Coppice & Crown floor lies in its easy maintenance and cleaning regime. The best way to clean your wooden flooring is to brush it freely. You can mop your wood floor, but we suggest limiting how often you do this, using as little water as possible and choosing a product designed for cleaning wood floors.


Dogs, cats, snakes, hamsters – they (along with the rest of the animal kingdom) are all welcome on our floors. You may find an excitable Labrador leaves the odd small scratch mark here and there, but we believe this is all part of living with one of our natural wood floors and only adds to its character.

Wood Flooring

Above The Canopy / Latest

sustainable construction

Why UK Hardwoods Are the Future of Sustainable Construction

British-grown hardwoods are sustainable, durable, and beautiful. With government support for timber construction, now is the time to choose UK…
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Grown In Britain

Grown In Britain Visit the Sawmill

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Thermally modified cladding

5 Top Benefits of using Thermally Modified Timber

UK Hardwoods discuss the enhanced properties of our durable thermally modified timber…
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