
3 methods for fixing solid wood flooring over underfloor heating

Spreader plates – This is the most common way to install solid wood flooring over underfloor heating, and we recommend it for retrofitting if you’ve got a floating floor. Using aluminium spreader plates between the joists will allow the boards to be fixed down to the joists with a physical fixing without damaging or touching the pipes. You can lay the boards directly on the underfloor heating spreader plates.

Battens with screeds – A good option if you are laying new screeds and have worked out your head heights before laying. We recommend laying 45mm x 45mm battens within your screed. As you can see in diagram X, the pipes weave in and out of the screed. The battens should sit flush or slightly proud of the screed. This will prevent the screed from interfering with the boards when laying. The screed must be completely dry before laying any flooring on top.

Solid slab of screed – Choose this option if you’ve already laid your screed with underfloor heating pipes in it. For this, you must glue 30mm x 30mm battens on top of the screen at 400mm intervals. Ply or chipboard can work as an alternative to battens. Make sure the battens run perpendicular to the lengths of the floorboards. You can then lay the boards using a screw or nail to fix them to the battens.

Wood Flooring

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