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Thermally Modified Cladding

Thermally Modified Cladding

Heated above 210 degrees within a vacuum, our thermally modified timber captures the very best of stability and durability. With increased resistance to rot or decay and able to withstand the harshest of winters, it’s perfect for cladding, decking or internally for saunas. Ours is produced sustainably, with energy efficient machinery and the whole process is chemical-free, making it the perfect choice for your next project.

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Branching out with Thermally Modified Hardwood

Thermally Modified Hardwood Timber – Durable, Natural, Resilient, and British.

As dedicated advocates of British timber since 1979, we are excited to offer our valued customers this versatile, time tested product using ‘Grown in Britain’ certified wood. Globally renowned for its quality, durability and versatility, Thermally Modified Hardwood Timber opens up new possibilities for your cladding, decking, flooring and furniture needs with unrivalled stability.

See how our thermally modified timber weathers in just 6 months

New Hardwood Timber
Thermally Modified Ash
Weathered Hardwood Timber
Weathered Thermally Modified Ash

Thermally Modified Cladding Applications

Ideal for residential or commercial buildings, both inside and out
Create a seamless transition from indoor flooring to outdoor decking.
Perfect for indoor or outdoor pieces
Outdoor Living
Enhance your outdoor living and dining spaces
Marine Environments
Suitable for boats, yachts and jetties

Our Thermally Modified Cladding Specification

Experience the unmatched durability of our Thermally Modified Ash timber, meticulously crafted to withstand the test of time and harshest British weather. Carefully produced using a globally renowned Thermo Vacuum System from WDE Masspell, our timber is heated to extremely high temperatures in a vacuum atmosphere, with no chemical additives.

This chemical-free process modifies the timbers’ characteristics on a cellular level to enhance durability and stability, ensuring excellent performance even exposed to the elements. The thermal modification process transforms the timber’s resistance to decay, rot and insect damage, ensuring long lasting performance up to 60 years.

Rest assured, as the UK’s largest and most energy-efficient Thermally Modified Ash plant, the production process is 100% eco-friendly. Our Hardwood Timber is fully traceable, locally sourced and carefully transformed from tree to board in our family-run yard in Devon. All UK Hardwoods products are certified ‘Grown in Britain’, allowing customers to support British forestry and local industries with pride.

Download our Thermally Modified Cladding Brochure

Opening up new possibilities for flooring, cladding and furniture needs, download our brochure to find out the properties and uses of our thermally modified timber.

Thermally Modified Cladding Features

Group 10


Our Thermally Modified Cladding is created using Ash.

Group 12


Rich chocolate brown hues turn to a silver over time.

Group 9

Chemical Free

Completely chemical free process.

Group 2

Paint Coating

No need to paint or treat.

Group 1


Most energy efficient thermal modification plant in the UK.

Group 7


Sourced from certified Woodland Trusts and Estates.

Group 3


Unique grain pattern with minimal knots.

Group 4


Super stable due to its hydrophobic nature.

Group 11

Surface Finishes

Rough sawn or planed.

Group 13


Can be used for cladding, decking, flooring, boats, yachts or jetties.

Group 5


Lasts up to 60 years.

Group 8


670-700 kg/m³

Group 6

Secret Fixing

Sleek finish with no visible fixtures.

Our Thermally Modified Cladding Profiles

Able to be tailored and shaped to your specific needs, we have many different profile types available to suit all styles, projects and budgets. Chat to our team to find out more.








Not sure what you need?

Thermally Modified Cladding FAQs

Currently we use Ash to creator Thermally Modified Timber with the view to expand to Poplar in the near future as well as other British Timbers

Thermally Modified Timber offers unparalleled stability, maintaining minimal expansion and contraction in fluctuating climates. Its superior durability extends the lifespan of your property’s exterior and offers a uniform appearance and refined finish suitable for high quality timber projects.

Thermally Modified Timber offers a low-maintenance solution that combines elegant design with enhanced durability, as you do not need to treat with an oil. It’s best to let it weather naturally and evenly.

We advise pre drilling and using stainless steel fixings. When heated to these temperatures the timber can be more brittle than expected and so please handle with care.

On request and through conversation with us, we can accommodate your design brief.

The lifespan when occasionally wet is 60 years and frequently wet is said to be 30 years (above ground use only)

This is a European standard that provides guidelines on the natural durability of wood and wood-based products against biological decay (such as fungi, insects, and marine borers). It categorises wood into different classes based on how resistant they are to decay.

Click here to find out more: Durability Classifications 

This relates to the grading and quality standards for timber used in joinery and other fine woodworking applications.

Click here to find out more: Quality Standards

Thermally modified wood generally does not have enhanced fire-retardant properties compared to untreated wood. For higher fire safety standards, additional fire- retardant treatments are required to meet stricter building regulations.

Click here to find out more: Fire Regulations

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